E komo mai, Welcome, and thanks for visiting!
Haina 'ia mai ana ka puana, And so the story is told.
Aloha Hoaloha, Aloha Kamakamaka, Hello Friend,
I have found that by learning some Hawai'ian words, I have learned more than just language.
I am a beginner student, an immigrant newcomer to the Islands. There is a wisdom that prevails in Hawai'i that I cherish. People go out of there way to be friendly, helpful and courteous. That has helped to heal and inspire me. I am grateful to the native Hawai'ians (Kanaka Mauoli) for their gift of Aloha. Their culture provides seeds of wisdom for positive change for the all of humanity.
I am blessed to live next to the Hawai'ians who are peaceful and determined to remain as an indigenous people with their own language and adaptive, sustainable, culture.
Their strength of positive character is truly inspiring, as sadly they live under the challenge of occupation by a dominant foreign culture that "annexed" their native lands, much like the Tibetians, Native Americans and countless other indigenous cultures.
The seeds of sustainable adaption reside in indegenous cultures. May they prevail.
May All Beings Be Happy and Free of Suffering
Namaste, Aloha.
Aloha means hello, goodbye and I love you.
An island is a small place, relative to living on a continent. People must live in balance to sustain themselves on islands.
The best life can be found where people are inspired to get along and be generous with one another.
The Queen Lili'uokalani Children's Center in Hawai'i offers simple wisdom that leads us to the good life:
Ho'o Kupono - to behave properly.
Ho'o Ponopono - to make things right, reconcile, arbitrate.
Aloha - affection, love, greeting, hello, goodbye.
Malama - to take care of or care for.
Ho'ihi - repect, be courteous, confidential, avoid gossip.
Ha'aha'a - humble, modest, sincere.
Lokahi - harmony, unity, agreement.
Kuleana - responsibility. (In the old days a kuleana was an allotment of land that a person cared for and which cared for them (malama aina).
Laulima - cooperation, working together.
Ahonui - patience.
Maka'ala - alert and paying attention.
'Ohana - family.
Kokua - to help, assist and support.
Lokomaika'i - graciousness, generosity, goodwill.
Maluhia - peace, quiet, serenity.
'Oia'i'o - truth.
Nana i ke kumu - look to the source (pay attention to the teacher).
Believe, Behave, Become